Unbezahnter Oberkiefer

Donnerstag, 11 Mai 2018

Dellavia C, Rosati R, Del Fabbro M, Pellegrini G. Functional jaw muscle assessment in patients with a full fixed prosthesis on a limited number of implants: a review of the literature. Eur J Oral Implantol. 2014 Summer;7 Suppl 2:S155-69.

Donnerstag, 11 Mai 2018

Del Fabbro M, Ceresoli V. The fate of marginal bone around axial vs. tilted implants: a systematic review. Eur J Oral Implantol. 2014 Summer;7 Suppl 2:S171-89.

Donnerstag, 11 Mai 2018

Boven GC, Raghoebar GM, Vissink A, Meijer HJ. Improving masticatory performance, bite force, nutritional state and patient's satisfaction with implant overdentures: a systematic review of the literature. J Oral Rehabil. 2015 Mar;42(3):220-33.

Donnerstag, 11 Mai 2018

Baig MR. Accuracy of impressions of multiple implants in the edentulous arch: a systematic review. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2014 Jul-Aug;29(4):869-80.

Donnerstag, 11 Mai 2018

Abdulmajeed AA, Lim KG, Närhi TO, Cooper LF. Complete-arch implant-supported monolithic zirconia fixed dental prostheses: A systematic review. J Prosthet Dent. 2016 Jun;115(6):672-677.e1

Donnerstag, 11 Mai 2018

Elsyad MA, Shawky AF. Masticatory function with ball and resilient telescopic anchors of mandibular implant-retained overdentures: A crossover study. Quintessence Int. 2017 Jul 4:1-9. [Epub ahead of print]

Donnerstag, 11 Mai 2018

Pellicer-Chover H, Peñarrocha-Oltra D, Bagán L, FichyFernandez AJ, Canullo L, Peñarrocha-Diago M. Single-blind randomized clinical trial to evaluate clinical and radiological outcomes after one year of immediate versus delayed implant placement supporting full-arch prostheses. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2014 May 1;19(3):e295-301.

Donnerstag, 11 Mai 2018

Ma S, Waddell JN, Atieh MA, Alsabeeha NH, Payne AG. Maxillary Three-Implant Overdentures Opposing Mandibular Two-Implant Overdentures: 10-Year Prosthodontic Outcomes. Int J Prosthodont. 2016 Jul-Aug;29(4):327-36.

Donnerstag, 11 Mai 2018

Fischer K, Stenberg T. Karbach J, Hartmann S, Jahn-Eimermacher A, Wagner W. Oral Health-Related Quality of Life in Edentulous Patients with Twovs Four-Locator-Retained Mandibular Overdentures: A Prospective, Randomized, Crossover Study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2015 Sep-Oct;30(5):1143-8.

Donnerstag, 11 Mai 2018

Esposito M, Felice P, Barausse C, Pistilli R, Grandi G, Simion M. Immediately loaded machined versus rough surface dental implants in edentulous jaws: One-year postloading results of a pilot randomised controlled trial. Eur J Oral Implantol. 2015 Winter;8(4):387-96. 

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