Kurze Implantate

Donnerstag, 22 Juni 2016

Han J, Zhang X, Tang Z, Zhang L, Shi D, Meng H. A prospective, multicenter study assessing the DENTSPLY Implants, OsseoSpeed TX, length 6 mm in the posterior maxilla and mandible: a 1-year follow-up study. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2015 Apr 9. [Epub ahead of print]

Donnerstag, 22 Juni 2016

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Donnerstag, 22 Juni 2016

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Donnerstag, 22 Juni 2016

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Donnerstag, 22 Juni 2016

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Donnerstag, 22 Juni 2016

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Donnerstag, 22 Juni 2016

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Donnerstag, 22 Juni 2016

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Donnerstag, 22 Juni 2016

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